Joe Fairless, The Successful Real Estate Investor  – Shares His 7 Leadership Laws

How to do wholesale real estate

What are wholesale real estate deals? The process of making wholesale real estate deals involves the wholesaler first finding a distressed home. The wholesaler has no intention of fixing the place up. The wholesaler then puts the property under contract and tries to...
Joe Fairless, The Successful Real Estate Investor  – Shares His 7 Leadership Laws

Investment Property Cash Flow

Positive Cash Flow Positive investment property cash flow is as important to your success as a property investor as oxygen is to the life of your body. When it comes to your private residence the emphasis is on equity but for rental properties, positive cash flow is...
Joe Fairless, The Successful Real Estate Investor  – Shares His 7 Leadership Laws

Investing in Real Estate in Your 20’s

Real estate investing in your 20’s may sound hopelessly ambitious but the expression, “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” applies to investing more than anything. How many investors that started making money from real estate investing, when they...