Welcome affiliates!

On this page you’ll find emails you can use to promote our service to your list.  Feel free to adjust the emails as you see fit.

We’ve prepared the emails as a 4-part series to go out over 4 consecutive days.  It’s set up as a bonus that you’ve arranged for your members to receive.

Be sure to replace the parts that say “[AFFILIATE URL]” with your actual affiliate link.  Also, it’s recommended that you include the person’s name at the beginning of the message if your email marketing system can do that.  And don’t forget to add your name to the bottom of each email.


Day 1

Subject Line:   [Member Bonus]: Claim Your Free Investor Website

Email Body:


I have a special gift for you…

I’ve arranged for you to get a free website for your real estate investing business! How cool is that?

You can claim your free Motivated Seller Website by going here:

Here are a few of the highlights:

* Website is professionally designed
* Includes lead capture forms that send you an email with lead details
* Professionally written copy (text)
* Includes a video on the home page
* Frequently Asked Questions page for motivated sellers

The company that provides the websites (Done Deal Website) has agreed to give our members a website for the next 4 days, so grab yours quickly.

Again, you can get your website here:




Day 2

Subject Line:  Here’s what people are saying about yesterday’s bonus

Email Body:


I just wanted to follow up and make sure you got my email yesterday. I don’t want you to miss out on getting your free website.

It typically takes less than a minute to create your website and there are no strings attached. If you haven’t done it yet, go here:

Here’s what experienced investor of 13 years said about the websites:

“I am very impressed with these sites. These have all the features we were looking for. It’s everything we need all in one place. I was surprised how well the sites were designed with not only an understanding of Real Estate Investing, but also a good understanding from the seller’s perspective. Customer support has been great!”

And here’s what another investor said:

“I’ve looked at many ‘done for you sites’ and your copy is the best by far.”

But remember, this bonus expires in 3 days, so don’t put it off. Create your website here:


Day 3

Subject Line: Are people taking you seriously?

Email Body:


In today’s world, if you don’t have a website, you’re not really in business. Many people like to check out a company’s website before contacting them. Do you have a website to send people to?

If not, or if it’s not the greatest, you’re in luck. We’ve arranged for our members to get a free website. Just go here and create your site:

A website is a way to build instant credibility. Even if you haven’t done any deals yet, you can look like an established professional with a website. Or if you are more experienced, a website can still boost your level of professionalism.

It can also save you time if you send people to your website and have them fill out the form on your site. It essentially interviews prospects for you and you can quickly scan through the details to determine whether it’s worth your time. What would have otherwise been a lengthy phone conversation can now be a few seconds or a minute of looking over an email.

If you haven’t claimed your website yet, go to:

P.S. Don’t forget – this is only good for the next 2 days!

Day 4

Subject Line: Last chance to claim your investor website

Email Body:


I didn’t want you to miss out on this special bonus we’ve arranged for you. Today’s the last day to claim your free Motivated Seller website. If you haven’t created your site yet, go here:

It’ll only take you less than a minute to get set up.

It’s also definitely worth checking out some of the paid options, which will make your website even more powerful. For example, a search engine optimization tool, property listings, and more.

Don’t kick yourself for waiting around and missing out!

Claim your website here:
